Roleof Women in ICT

Role of Women in ICT  “The so-called digital divide is actually several gaps in one. There is a technological  divide great gaps in infrastructure. There is a content divide. A lot of web-based information is simply not relevant to the real needs of people.And...

Excellent Techniques To Making Targets Frequently

Almost every person creates a plan before taking a business trip. Some of us have a guidance unit in our cars or a portable unit. There are a large number of such devices available on the market. In our illustration let’s call it Gloria—mine has a feminine...

What is Your Next Great Step?

What is my next great step? It was just before the summer really kicked into gear. I had the opportunity to listen to my colleague Kurt Hoelting, author of The Circumference of Home, tell his tales of a year lived differently. He spoke of his decision to live a year...

Common Myths about Leadership Success

Leaders are found everywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, everybody is a leader in one way or another. It does not really matter what responsibility is bestowed to a person. You can never judge a good leader by the capacity that lies under him or her. Instead,...

Choosing a 360 Feedback Vendor

Today, many 360 Feedback companies are popping up overnight and creating 360 surveys with little experience in the field. Such companies do not offer sound products and services, which can result in a poor ROI and a bad impression of 360 Feedback.  However, the...