What Makes A Good Management Consultant?

All Are Smart… The Great Ones Make Their Clients Smart by Michael D. Hume, M.S. I’ve had the privilege of coaching some of the world’s best and brightest business talents over the last several years, many of them earning their leadership stripes in...

7 Highly Effective Habits that Make a Successful CEO

CEOs are overwhelmed with responsibilities. Needless to say, from managing the company, its resources, its manpower and markets … to ensuring optimal returns on investments made, CEOs have their hands full. In order to be able to manage all these tasks with equal...

Thinking As a Leader at the Christmas Party

It’s that time of the year again. This is the time when we begin to celebrate another year gone and the dawning of the new year. How tiresome it is for HR departments having to once more send out those ‘Dos and Don’ts’ statements (sorry...