Oscar Wilde once noted that experience is the name people give to their mistakes. While people may learn a lot from the things they’ve done wrong, it is also apt to say that excessive and careless mistakes are appalling.

Especially in the field of leadership, a mistake can gravely hamper a team’s performance or put a damper on the entire operation. A leader must be very careful with his/her decisions so as not to affect the over-all productivity of his/her team. Being on top of all projects, it will be helpful for aspiring leaders and managers to read on the most crucial and common mistakes committed by fellow supervisors. The following lists the common slips leaders commit.


Failure to Delegate

Some people think that they cannot distribute work to their teammates because they feel that they can do it themselves. In worse cases, leaders intentionally do this just because they can’t trust other people to accomplish it. Failure to delegate work (where work is due) causes bottlenecks, thereby creating delay in the over-all production.



Most leadership development workshop facilitators can attest that this problem also hinders managers to see the bigger picture that they should be more concerned about. This also makes the subordinates depend on their supervisor because they assume s/he can accomplish everything. What companies fear most is when their employees start to slack off and stop being productive because of over reliance to managers.


Failure to set the Goal

It is very difficult to work when people do not know why they are doing it. Failure to set a goal for the whole team lessens productivity. The employees will also fail to prioritize workload can potentially mess up the projects and execute them in the wrong sequence. Managers and potential leaders can learn how to clearly define goals and inculcate this to their employees by joining leadership development workshops.


Diminished Boundaries

Though it is important to develop camaraderie and bond within the team, managers should remember that boundaries should be clearly established. Leaders may always want to be friendly to develop good relationships with their team. However, there are situations where managers have to make decisions for the team, and some people may use this relationship and take advantage. As what most leadership development training experts say, it’s okay to be friends with your subordinates but the professional boundary should be clearly observed.

If you have questions, please visit us at www.DiamondSixLeadership.com for complete details and answers.
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