HC Network Security Web-based malicious software, the subject, Websense Security Labs report published twice a year. According to their latest report, the reality is not very satisfactory, The following reasons:
In the past six months, the number of malicious websites increased 233%, while in the past year, grew by 671%.
The legitimate site, 77% of malicious code attacks, and caused damage.
The web logs, chat rooms and message boards of content, 95% of spam or malicious tool.
57% of data theft attacks are carried out through the Internet.
In unnecessary Electronic E-mail, 85% of spam or contains malicious sites.
Data acquisition ThreatSeeker Websense uses its own network, to collect by Damage Web site data. The network includes 50 million real-time data collection points, each point has a monitoring network And e-mail in the ability of malicious code. The system is powerful, an hour to scan 40 million sites and 10 million e-mails.
Network threats in general show Order to understand the network of criminals is the most attractive types of sites, Websense Company Create a network showing the overall threat (Threat Webscape). This is their malicious software Wei Threat to the site classification method. All sites are classified into three types:
Most visited 100 sites, usually the “social network” or “search” sites.
Followed by the regular visits of a million sites, mainly a variety of content and News Websites.
The rest of the site, usually commercial websites, blogs and personal websites.
Focus is 100 most visited sites. They have the traffic, which is most like the bad guy. Equally interesting is the presence of these popular websites in common:
The most visited 100 sites, over 47% of the support of user-generated content.
The most frequently visited 100 sites, 61% can be achieved to place malicious content or masquerading redirect connections to the unwitting victims from legitimate sites to malicious network to attract Station.
A typical example Websense does not have enough time to complete the report, it’s content has become more comprehensive. In the past this week, there are several high-profile examples of damaged sites. The following Content from The New York Times description:
“At the end of last week, part of The New York Times Web site users encountered a gruesome accident. An unknown individual or group on the site quietly launched a malicious Advertisement . “
Author writing in the time of this article, we report that the United States ZDNet’s public TV The official web site is also affected PBS.org:
“PBS.org Web site by a number of common parts Hacker Hijacked by a dangerous cocktail attack. “
As a trusted site, they do not cause doubts. This makes the two sites with malicious software has become an extremely effective tool.
Advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0
From the above information, we can see, the most frequently visited 100 sites in more than half of the use of Web 2.0-based applications. The reason they are popular, because any Who are able to create for the public to watch. Facebook and similar sites like Twitter is a typical example of how we know they are successful.
Web 2.0 technology also increased the service for abuse. As the Web 2.0 site with a dynamic auto-update, which provided for the cyber criminals to attack more opportunities.
, For example, security researcher Ron? Zilberman site Facebook discovered that there is a serious flaw. If attacked, the vulnerability would allow hackers to steal personal information, map Films and the list of trusted friends. Zilberman personal Web site described the attack principle, an attacker can no member information in the circumstances, the use of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) induced Deceive the visitor’s computer to gain information.
Of transmission For malicious software, the people of accidental access or by e-mail the information to attract, is still a very useful approach. But cyber criminals, the impact of the real site It was a win-win approach. They’ll never suspect the network address and display the page the.
Experts are closely watching the damage to the number of legitimate sites. As of June 2009, Nine-ball has penetrated to more than 40,000 sites. Gai Bola “Gumblar”, is already Destroyed more than 70,000 websites.
Self-evident. To make a compromise can always get better results. As users, our only choice is to keep the computer operating system and application software up to date, do Can prevent malicious software on legitimate sites use control foothold.
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