So now we are down to the fifth and final thing that 3% leaders do daily and that is…
The cultivation and expectation of Leadership – Thanks again John Jackson
Keep in mind that leaders in network marketing play big!
If you are committed to your dreams then you either play big or you go home.
Believe me the rewards of being a 3% leader are amazing.
You must understand that this requires sweat, commitment and be coachable.
Be commited to listen and follow through with what your 3% mentor tells you. Remember they are where they are for a reason don’t deviate from that and try to re invent the wheel.
My advice would be to put all 5 things that 3% leaders do daily in a place where you can see it every day.
Follow through with these steps EVERY DAY!
This is the motto that 3% leaders follow
So what this means is leaders visualize the person they want to BE.
Then they DO things that leaders in network marketing DO.
Then they HAVE the exact results/lifestyle/income that they initially visualized.
This is the motto that the other 97% of people follow when setting their goals
These people don’t reach their goals because they think and approach them differently.
They wait to have the results.
Then when they have them they will actually commit to taking action and playing big.
Ultimately, they hope they will have the lifestyle of a top income earner and leader.
Of course this never happens because waiting to step up your game and playing big until the results flow in will never happen.
If your stuck in the 97% thinking you will not get the results of a top income earner and leader.
You are either in all the way and operate like a 3% or you might as well throw in the towel now, because you will not see the results you came to this industry for.
You need to BE the leader first and take massive action to have the results.
Commit to living by the BE-DO-HAVE principle and doing the 5 things that network marketing leaders do daily.
Your life will change if you follow these 5 simple principles daily.
Please leave comments and feedback for me
To Your Success,
Colette Summers