Leader who has the power in harnessing peoples in a strategic way by influencing, inspiring and uniting them in achieving common goal is what today’s every companies are looking to fill their managerial level Job. They are called the most effective men and women they are the one who can competently organize the cooperation and assistance of other people to accomplish goals and objectives. Their ability to negotiate, communicate, influence and persuade others to do things is their indispensable qualities of being a leader so their varied role in a forming stage of an organization is very important, perhaps even critical, to the success of the business. Below are the varied roles of a leader that I listed to helps leaders in pushing ideas and unlocking the hidden drivers and aspirations in bringing out the confidence of others:

1. Creator of vision and shared values – Sharing vision is not just agreeing with an excellent idea, it is a particular rational picture of where the organization is going.  Employee should be involved in the process of developing a shared vision and they also have to be challenged and anticipated to use that vision as a benchmark in making decisions about their job and learn in the process.

In a true vision of influence organization, each individual is responsible for his or her actions, but the common good is placed in balance with individual interest. The relationships between individuals are described as caring (“malasakit”). Such caring is supported by open communication, made possible by trust(Fawcett, 1996).

It is critical to understand that the emergence of a strong, shared vision based on collective values provides the foundation for informed leadership, staff commitment, and sustained organization growth. Visionary leadership blended with shared and collaborative strategies will provide support for Managers to invest time and effort needed to create the organization vision

2. Leading change (transformational leadership)-The use of transformational leadership to facilitate organization change is explained on its six guiding principles:  lead by example, establishing trust, compelling vision, using positive approach, organization  structural enhancement and  new approaches that drive innovation (e.g. IT adaptation) , .

3. Leading by example- “Making sure you walk your talk-A leader in action not in words”-Effective leaders not only say they want to do the “right” thing; they follow through with appropriate actions-

A characteristic common to all individuals who are recognized as leaders is the ability to translate intention into reality and to act on the intention comes from commitment-. “Managers do things right. Leaders do the right things.-Peter Drucker” (It’s best to be both a manager and a leader – they’re just different processes.)

As a leader, part of their job is to inspire the people around them and also to push himself/herself to   turn the company to greatness. To do this, the leader must show example by doing it personally.

4. Demonstrating confidence- Trust and confidence in top leadership was the single most reliable predictor of employee satisfaction in the organization. Being trustworthy and having the ability to communicate the vision of where the organization needs to go and by helping employees engage into overall business strategy- organizational trust and confidence can easily be gain.  Demonstration of your intelligence as a leader is also a must thing; by being intelligent leader can easily find their road of gaining their subordinate confidence by focusing on helping others learn (not a demonstration of  how smart you are). Help them understand how they contribute to achieve key business objectives by gently leading people toward understanding even when you know the answer is a key in building confidence in you as a leader.  Sharing information with employees on both how the company is doing and how an employee’s own division is doing — relative to strategic business objectives.

“Be careful not to be arrogant when displaying how smart you are because surely your arrogance will put you in a position where people are secretly hopeful that you’ll make a mistake and appear foolish.”

5. Inspiring and energizing people- Leaders can’t inspire and energize people with vision, mission statements, data and analysis, charts, goals and objectives, measurements, systems, processes or memos. Those are important factors in improving performance but its called management, not leadership.

To cope with globalization organizations needs energized and inspired people. It is a common knowledge now that employees can be energize through empowerment, by practicing participative management, and make them a self-directed work team.  By making them a more integral part of the workplace they will be inspired and energized by exciting mental pictures of a preferred future, principles or values that ring true, and being part of a higher cause or purpose that helps them feel they’re making a difference.

Conclusively, Energizers do most things very well they speaks with the end in mind, they maintain their integrity between their words and actions. They create a compelling vision by focusing on possibilities rather than current or past problems. They help individuals feel fully engaged. And while they’re doing that, energizers are also learning from their subordinates. Energizers are goal-oriented but flexible about how to get things done and they allow any progress to occur in various ways. This influences his colleagues and subordinates willingness to believe that the goal is worthy and achievable.

6. Empowering people-by using team approach through involving everyone and mobilizing people at the grassroots level is one way of building self-reliance and empowered people. Although considered as critical aspect of successful business today empowerment concept is often misunderstood concept.  In a typical organizational setup, common practices are jobs safety and housekeeping as common responsibility of everyone.  The managers are doing a  good job when he emphasize the importance of safety, cleanliness and housekeeping to the people responsible and also make them understand the related aspects to such an extent that the job no longer needs any supervision.

For an organization to be responsive, agile and decisive, empowerment at every level is the key to progress. Thus surely, empowerment makes the difference:

* when a sales representative decides an extra added service for customers,
* when a decision is made by worker saving the production line from a possible breakdown,
* when workers try to locate opportunity for improving their work processes.

7. Coaching A leader who knows the art of coaching open called as mentor, trainer or guru- they know how to draw upon their student’s inner knowledge, resources and creativity to help him or her be more effective.  As a coach, he know how to  help his people grows on dealing with building of their individual’s personal skills, from setting their own goals, to communication to management style to decision making and problem solving.  Coaching is often described as the key in bringing out the best in your people, vis-à-vis yourself as a mentor. It is based on the concept that individuals learn from the everyday application of skills by honing it through practice.  “Myles Downey” is really right when he defines Coaching  as the art and practice of inspiring, energizing, and facilitating the performance, learning  and development of  the player.

Jaime H. Menor Jr.



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