If you want to…
Expand your power to be a more influential leader
Achieve a more fulfilling career, whether you’re a ceo or a stay-at-home parent
Earn more money
Develop dynamic, genuine, and satisfying relationships
Then, come experience our proven personal development technology to help you learn to lead a great, vibrant life. Transformational leadership begins with your own personal transformation. You’ll develop the core skills to become a force in the lives of those you love, with whom you work, and your community.
It all starts with the introductory weekend to the year of more, called the more life personal transformation experience. Normally $799, for a limited time, we invite you to join us, at no charge, for this phenomenal training.
What You Will Learn
On this information-packed, experiential weekend you will:
Learn the secrets to happiness and satisfaction in life that will help you be fulfilled even in situations that challenge you.
Understand the mechanisms by which your mind either limits or leads to learning, growth, and happiness.
Learn how to live your life as an adventure.
Discover new ways to live with heart.
Be more powerful by tapping your deeper truths.
View the course outline
Although we normally charge $800 for this program, for a limited time, you can attend for free. What’s the catch? We want to introduce you to—in fact give you an experience of—our full Year of More program. The Year of MORE delivers the Wright Leadership Institute’s system of personal transformation through weekly courses and assignments coupled with coaching and learning laboratory support. If, at the end of the More Life Training, you decide you don’t want to pursue the full Year of More, you will have experienced a tremendously growthful weekend and made some new friends. If you do decide to continue on with the Year of More, you’ll be taking the first step on an exciting journey of personal transformation.
Training Goals
This course is intended to help you:
Expand your personal power and influence
Achieve a more meaningful, fulfilling career, whether you’re a CEO or a stay-at-home parent
Learn a proven personal development and transformation technology
Earn more money
Work with other dedicated individuals who will support and push you
Develop dynamic, genuine, and satisfying relationships
Make a difference in your world
We assume that you have the power to transform yourself in a way that brings you more of everything you deeply desire. We believe that this transformation comes from the application of a rich reserve of knowledge and potential that is already within you. We believe that by developing a greater understanding of yourself – and, as a result, of others—you will create better relationships, learn and serve more effectively, and have more joy and abundance. Our methodology will help you better access, organize, and deploy what you know in order to maximize your success in all areas of life.
Dr. Judith Wright (www.judithwright.com) is hailed as a peerless educator, world-class coach, lifestyles expert, inspirational speaker, best-selling author, and corporate consultant. In her first book, The Soft Addiction Solution (formerly There Must Be MORE Than This) she examines how Soft Addictions often get in the way of a more fulfilling life. In her book, The One Decision, she shows readers what a fulfilling life of MORE really is, and how making the decision to live a life of MORE changes what we do, how we think, and what we feel.
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