As an executive coach, much of the work I do is helping executives and business owners bring clarity about the possibilities for their organization and themselves.  So often when we start working together the executive’s goals are vague and ambiguous. Without clear goals, the executive may have a roadmap but no precise destination and accompanying directions to get to their goals.

Making Goals Powerful

You may have heard the story about the study concerning the goals of some Harvard Business School graduates. The story basically supports the contention that written goals are more likely to be achieved than those that aren’t written down. However, this study never took place.  Instead a Dominican University study provides evidence that when accountability, public commitment, and written goals are implemented together they enhance the rate of goal achievement.

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· Be Specific – A goal that is described in specific terms has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a goal described in general terms.

Make it Measurable – Developing specific criteria for measuring your progress toward the attainment of each goal will help you to measure your progress, and stay on track to meet your target dates.

· It should be Attainable – When you identify your goals, you will begin to figure out and visualize how to accomplish them.  You will develop not only the energy level for attaining your goals, but also new and existing attitudes, abilities, and skills to reach your goals.

· Make it Realistic – In order for a goal to be realistic, you must be both willing and able to work towards the goal.  Be sure that every goal represents substantial progress.  Your goal is almost certainly realistic if you truly believe that your goal can be accomplished.

· Create Time Sensitivity – Goals should be grounded within a specific and clear time frame in order to create a sense of urgency in accomplishing the goal.Beauty <div classitive and not in the negative.  Writing goals in the positive creates forward energy and movement.

Goal Success

Now that you have your specific goals written down, who will you share these goals with?  I recommend choosing more than one person and that the people you select be individuals who will be supportive as well as keep you accountable to your goals.

Keep your goals visible.  Reviewing your goals frequently will help you release the energy, creativity and the drive to attain them. Tracking your goals provides you with a sense of accomplishment when you meet your goals.

Create a habit of asking yourself daily, “are the decisions I am making getting me closer or further from my goals?” The more your remind yourself of your ultimate goals, and make the choice to move in the direction of attaining your goals, the more likely you will be successful.

And finally, don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments! Creating and attaining goals takes a lot of discipline and hard work.  Therefore, how do you plan to celebrate your accomplishments once you have crossed the finish line?

Beth Armknecht Miller, of Atlanta, Georgia, is Founder and President of Executive Velocity, a leadership development coaching firm accelerating the leadership success of CEOs and business leaders from emerging to midsize companies. With over 2000 hours coaching seasoned, new, and rising leaders, Ms Miller has helped companies to become more profitable. As a successful consulting, Inc 500 firm co-founder, Ms. Miller is a trusted expert to many. She can be reached at

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