Are Leaders Born Or Made?
There are only three kinds of people in this world. The first kind of people are the type who actively participate in the game we call life and MAKE things happen. The second kind of people are the type who sit back on the sidelines and WATCH things happen. The third kind of people are the type who have no idea one way or the other and asks the second group of people,”What happened?” Which one are you?
This article is about leadership and the attributes that every leader embodies to one degree or another.
This is my second article, which still makes me a “newbie” so help me out from time to time. Post a comment or two or three about how I could improve my content. Furthermore, if any EXPERTS come across this article (or my first one), please throw a few tips my way so I can contribute MORE VALUE to my readers. I like to write short and straight to the point articles so in closing, I hope you enjoy this content. Make sure to click on ALL links to get the most out of this information. Your feedback is much appreciated! Thank You.
Characteristics Of A Leader…
Are You A Leader Or A Follower?
Being a leader is both challenging and rewarding. Julius Ceasar, Alexander The Great, Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama-what do all of these people have in common? That’s right, They are ALL considered LEADERS of the past and present. Imagine millions of people looking up to YOU! So what does it take to be a leader? The following five qualities are common in every leader on all levels:
– ACCOUNTABILITY (Every leader takes FULL responsibility for their actions and the actions of others)
– COMMITMENT (Leaders are committed to whatever task, project, or mission they take on from start to finish)
– RISK TAKER (Leaders are aware of the fact that great risk equal great reward, no pain no gain)
– VISIONARY (Leaders have the ability to analyze trends and apply creative ideas for the future)
– MOTIVATOR (Leaders motivate people to do activities that they otherwise would not do on their own)
Are leaders made or born? Behavioral experts have been debating this question for several decades. Personally, I feel that leaders are developed. What do you think? The military is a perfect example because ordinary civilians are molded into well trained SOLDIERS. Furthermore, some of those soldiers are molded even further into OFFICERS after proving themselves in combat or other very important tasks.
In other words, one cannot become a leader without first following orders.
Now don’t get it confused. When I ask the question: “Are You A Leader Or A Follower?”, I do not mean to offend anyone. I am simply saying if you want to lead, being a follower is a MANDATORY prerequisite. So it is okay to follow as long as you plan on advancing to the next level-LEADERSHIP! “The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership” written by John Maxwell is an excellent book that goes into great detail about being a leader. Anyone looking to lead other people DEFINITELY should pick up a copy from your local Barnes And Nobles or Borders bookstore.
Another must read is “How To Win Friends And Influence People” written by Dale Carnegie. Please feel free to post comments with other leadership books that YOU think are invaluable to one’s leadership development education.
Five Additional Qualities Of A Leader…
– INTEGRITY (REAL leaders tell it like it is or what you see is what you get)
– GOAL SETTER ( Leaders possess the ability to set goals and TAKE ACTION towards achieving each one)
– STUDENT (Leaders are ALWAYS reading and learning in a effort to contribute more VALUE to the world)
– KNOWLEDGABLE (Leaders are WISE as a result of accumulative trial and error over time)
– FOCUSED (Leaders are able to stay focused on set goals despite obstacles, distractions, and unforseen circumstances)
If YOU made it this far, then there is NO question as to whether or not you are a LEADER (or learning how to be one) . I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If so, please DO NOT hesitate to post a comment about it. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome as long as you are respectable (Remember, I am still a newbie). Lastly, click on the link below in order to get the most VALUE from this article. Thanks for visiting.
My name is Cory James. I am a self employed internet marketer in training. Article Marketing is my preferred strategy due to it’s cost effectiveness and high leverage capabilities. Writing ONE article and getting traffic for years and years sounds good to me. I currently hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Relations. Traveling, Spending time with family and friends, Exercising, Marketing and Personal Development are some of the activities that I enjoy most. The following is a link to my main website: Feel free to check it out when you have time. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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