“The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.”-STENDHAL (cited in Lieberman, 1983)
For Effective Team Leadership we need to understand every member of the group well enough to motivate each individual according to their unique and special needs.
The Conventional Style of Leadership often expects employees to meet them on their level, rather than taking the time to understand and meet the team member on the employee’s level.
The Style of Contemporary Leaders comprises of understanding the group dynamics and communication styles of the employees. A team leader needs to understand group dynamics and communication styles in order to be able to develop employees to their full potential.
In his Habit 5 Stephen Covey addresses this issue saying,“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”.
This principle holds true not only for the team leader, but also for the team members as the mood and tone set by the team leader will be almost imitated by team members. Obviously the team members will follow the example set by the team leader.
Ultimately in order to enhance the work environment the team members will usually follow suit by seeking to understand one another’s communication styles.
We are trying to achieve Professional as well as Personal Success at Family Business for which the Foundation lies in understanding others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on those around us.
In Business, whether small or large, managing a team of employees and watching them grow is a satisfying and rewarding experience. It is also very challenging as Leadership is similar to management. Management is more about planning, organization and communication skills whereas Leadership relies on management skills, and more on qualities such as integrity, honesty, wisdom, commitment, and compassion. A good leader is respected, trusted, and looked up to for guidance.
A good leader needs to be motivational and continuously take initiatives.
Tips on Promoting Initiatives your team at business place are as follows:
1. Building strong rapport with your people.
2. Balancing work for team members and helping them in any project they find a problem with. Also, creating a positive atmosphere for healthy competition between team members and using humor along with challenging situations.
3. Communication should be encouraged for a team to excel. Take feedback positively and ask for comments and suggestions. If a strategy is planned by team members then they are more committed to the project.
4. Team Members should be supported for growth of the business. Motivating intellectual growth by giving your people interesting and challenging assignments and projects offers them opportunities to build their skills and education.
5. Best competitive Compensation needs to be offered by doing some type of survey of the market and other organizations with regards to salary structure.
6. Appreciate achievements and efforts made by team members by rewarding and recognzing them.
7. Set the example for your team to follow by your work and conduct.
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Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/interpersonal-dynamics-and-team-leadership-1582441.html