Financial Freedom. The general concept of freedom refers to the absence of coercion, a situation in which we can make choices from among all available options.

With the financial freedom we face when we earn more money than we spend. Work-time under certain conditions is able to provide us with such a situation. But what if our personal freedom? After all, we need to accomplish, every day for 8 hours at the employer? Reconcile financial freedom and personal liberty can only passive income.

A situation in which to generate a specific income does not require constant monitoring and our presence. Investments in certain tools generate passive income. These are real estate, securities and other businesses.

Where do I start? From training in the field of finance. Reading books, going to courses and training on this subject. Increased knowledge and familiarity that makes us feel confident and have more courage, thus we make the right decisions. Over time, such actions lead us to financial independence

Women are aware of how much power have over men, this power gives the power of sex.

It is this need for sex, men feel that, at the beginning gives women the great power and begins to shape  ideas about what to do and how to proceed in order to get what we want. Operate in this way can be as long as we are young and sexually attractive. But time passes and everything changes.

However, when you invest, no one asks about your age, education does not pay more attention to appearance, to you, I appeal, or lack thereof.

Women predominate in low-paid workplaces, short, or concluded on the basis of an agreement that does not guarantee full social security. Even in similar positions that pay for work of women is usually about 20-30% less than men.

If  ever become a choice: money or sex appeal. Select the money, because they keep you in the future sexiness.

Nature, market or society does not care who or what we are. The law of cause and effect says that if the procedure is just like other people’s success in finally come to an equally good results as they are.

If we do not imitate them, do not count on a miracle. Something that every woman should save once and forever in the memory of the following words: “Nobody is better or smarter than you. No one is better or smarter than you.”

Excuses, which obscures the woman explaining why they prefer not to invest: “My husband will take care of me,” “works too hard,” “I do not have time”, “I have no money,” “I’m not smart enough” and many, many others. But is it really a man, family, company or government entity may provide you in the future?


What is worth investing?

Property and natural resources market. God does not create more land. Attractive investment in building land, land with the possibility of retraining, the prices of raw materials due to a limited number of resources will also be steadily growing.

Explore the investment theme is the process of permanent and long-lasting, making mistakes is inevitable. But much more important is the ability to draw from them for the future of science. The first and most important investment we should make is to invest their time in education. Learning is the engine of the road to financial independence. Continuous learning, development is the best investment.

If you are not pursing our own goals, you are working towards somebody else’s
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