When we talk about talent we’re referring to a person’s natural ability. Athletes make easy examples. A basketball player may have a huge vertical leap and a gymnast may have amazing balance. Talented business leaders are sometimes born as well and, just as with athletes, this innate talent can be developed and perfected with the help of a coach.

If you want to train talent as an executive leadership coaching consultant, it’s important to remember that success starts with you taking a genuine interest in the people you are coaching. Get a clear understanding of what makes them tick, and then help them identify professional goals that are aligned with their personal priorities and the needs of the organization. Honing leadership qualities doesn’t happen overnight, so make sure to forge a long-term partnership with a defined plan of action.

Effective executive leadership coaching also requires the ability to develop and sharpen skills that optimize their natural talent, so you can help put them on the right path to achieving their personal, professional, and organizational objectives. Take advantage of coachable moments by emphasizing the positive results of a negative event. Above all, a constant focus on talent promotes confidence and creates momentum.  


As you progress along the path with an executive leadership coaching client, encourage a personal inventory:

Track record: The ability to execute, the time it took for them to execute, and the final result.
Broader vision: What is the range of viewpoints that they consider while making the decision? Do they put equal stress on all of the dimensions?
Communication skills: What is the impression that they create to motivate others? How well can they influence their peers?
Passion: Do they want to learn and try out new things? How willing are they to continuously learn and add to their knowledge?
Empathy: How fast can they build relationships? Are they active listeners?
Change management: Can they adapt to large-scale organizational change? How will they react if they need to perform tasks that are not familiar to them?
Ability to tackle new situations: How well can they handle obstacles and challenges? Are they willing to accept challenges that are difficult to manage because their people disagree about the direction of the department?

Getting honest with leaders’ assessments of their natural abilities is critical. But to be able to train exceptional leaders, you also have to convince them that they possess the ability to be great in the first place. Why are they successful now and how can they get better?

As an executive leadership coach, it’s your job to not only develop a leader’s natural talent but, by extension, to elevate the success of the organization. If you want to learn more about becoming a coach with one of the top executive leadership coaching firms in the country, visit www.ThinkBlueThinking.com or call 619.550.8052.

Bruno Raynal is the president and CEO of Blue Thinking, a corporation based in San Diego, California. Bruno works with top level senior management to enhance their awareness of modern business practices and patterns so they can make informed choices, take the right action, and achieve their vision and goals. Learn more about Blue Thinking by visiting www.ThinkBlueThinking.com or calling 619.550.8052. 
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