Leadership is one of the most researched yet least understood aspects of human behaviour. We all know a great leader when we encounter one but are often less confident about our own leadership ability and how to develop it!

There are eight main areas of personal capability that a leader needs to possess if she or he is going to be effective in the leadership role whether that role is a strategic one in the upper levels of an organization, an operational role in terms of making things happen or a front line role in terms of getting a team to deliver excellent service to the customer.

Firstly a leader needs to have a sense of direction, a vision of what she or he wants to create. For centuries the power of a compelling vision has been recognised as a key leadership tool. As the Bible says “without a vision, the people perish”.

The second leadership issue is that of setting a good example. People tend to copy what they see rather than do what they are told to do. Leaders need to be a good example of the behaviors they want their people to display in areas such as personal organization, time management and so forth.

Thirdly the leader needs to be a good communicator using presentations, meetings and other face to face situations effectively as well as the written and electronic media.

The leader needs to touch people’s emotions – as Aristotle once pointed out if you want to be persuasive you need ethos, logos and pathos. In today’s terms we mean credibility, logical arguments and emotional intelligence. Logic and position power are no longer enough to sustain leadership in the vast majority of organizations.

Number five on our list of capabilities is to be able to bring out the best in people by unlocking their potential whatever their level in the organization. Psychologists frequently remind us that most people only operate on a fraction of their potential. Effective leaders at all levels operate by resonating emotionally with their people in such a way that they feel committed to what the leader wants them to do so that they go the extra mile and contribute innovative ideas.

The leader needs to be able to engage people in continuous improvement. Thus the leader needs to be an effective change agent, helping people to overcome their negative beliefs about change which tend to hold them back.

Number 7 is that the leader needs to be able to handle crises and the ambiguous situations which seems to be part of the world today. In fact this has often been said to be the true test of a leader – can they keep their head when all around them is falling apart.

Finally number 8 on the list is that the leader needs to be a good manager, particularly in the area of finance, both professionally and personally. Many leaders now realise the importance of having a strong personal financial base to enable them to feel secure and do what they know is right for their organization rather than taking the course of action which protects their own position in the organization. In personal terms if a leader is worried about money it is difficult for them to inspire others.

Did you find this article useful? John Potter is a leading international business psychologist who regularly gives out free information. If you would like to know more about how to develop a second source of income with full video and tutorial support please visit the website www.MaverickMoneyMakersWinsOnline.comArticle Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/8-proven-strategies-to-be-a-more-effective-leader-1686040.html

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