Throughout the centuries people have been interested in what motivates others to carry out behaviors as well as how to motivate themselves. Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg and Douglas McGregor to name just three gurus all had their own ideas of what enabled people to become motivated.

However, these gurus were operating in a world very different from that in which we live today. However basic human nature has not changed and if we combine the thoughts of the great thinkers on motivation in the past we can identify six key issues that managers and leaders need to get right if they are going to motivate their people.

The first four factors relate to issues which must be acceptable to the individual in order to avoid that individual becoming demotivated. However, no matter how much effort and resource is put into these four factors, they will not tend to motivate the person but simply to avoid that person becoming demotivated.

The first of our ‘demotivation avoidance factors’ is connection. People like to feel part of something and to interact socially even if only by e-mails, telephone calls and social networking. How can you make your people more connected to your organization?

Secondly people like to feel significant, that is to be respected as a person rather than simply a number on the payroll. What actions can you take daily to enable your people to feel more important?

Thirdly people like to feel that there is a sense of certainty about where the organization is heading. Most people react very negatively to uncertainty and ambiguity and a key part of leadership is to enable people to feel that there is a sense of direction and that those managing the organization have some idea of where it is heading. Mission, vision and values statements have a large role to play in terms of managing uncertainty as does ensuring that the organization has a sound awareness of the trends that are developing in the business context in which it is operating. Have you created a shared vision with your people for the future of your organization and do your constantly reinforce that vision?

Our fourth factor is variety. People tend to get bored doing the same task for hours on end as industries such as the banking industry and the aviation industry have found out. The individual’s vigilance tends to wane after a while and as Hawthorne discovered early in the 20th century whatever stimulation is applied to a group of working people their productivity tends to increase simply because variety is introduced to the group.

What are you doing to ensure that your people have an interesting and varied work life?

However, these four factors will not necessarily guarantee that you have motivated people who are passionate about their job. They simply guard against demotivation.

There are two main factors which seem to characterise highly motivated people and leaders can do much to promote these issues.

Factor five on our list of motivation issues is that people need to feel that they are growing as individuals. This year they are more competent and capable than last year. Personal development and training programmes are vital in bringing this factor to life in the workplace. Does everyone in your organization have a personal and professional development plan?

Our sixth, final and perhaps most important motivation factor is that people like to feel that they are making a valued contribution to something worthwhile. That’s why you often find highly motivated people working for relatively low salaries, for example in the charity sector. Some of the least happy people are those who are earning large amounts of money where they feel that they are simply turning the handle on a money generator rather than making a valid contribution to society. What value does your organization create for society in general and do you ensure that they feel that their contribution to that value is appreciated?

All six of these factors can be addressed by leaders and managers and will do wonders to develop your organization. They all relate to developing the self esteem of your people. Some of the most motivated individuals are also entrepreneurs and if you would like to tap into that high level of motivation to apply to your own career please visit the following link for one of the most exciting business clubs in the world.

In this club people feel connected, significant, that there is a sense of certainty about where they are heading and that they have a great deal of variety in their lives. They feel that they are growing as individuals because of the great freedom that earning a significant income can bring and that they are making a valued contribution to something worthwhile by helping others to achieve their dreams. Click on the link below to find out more.

John Potter PhD is a international speaker and management consultant who specialises in helping people reach their potential. In particular he helps entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs develop second streams of income to help them feel more secure in what is increasingly becoming a world of rapid change. If you would like to know more about how to develop a second source of income with full video and tutorial support please visit the website www.MaverickMoneyMakersWinsOnline.comArticle Source:

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