You have read all over the internet about how easy it is to make money with something called content publishing. Well, it’s true; you can make some decent money online with content publishing. There are however, a couple of things you need to know before you’ll be able to generate significant money from Google’s Adsense or any of the lesser known context advertising systems.
First on this list is “original content”. Do not fall into the trap of obtaining private label content for use on your context advertising site and using it without truly making it yours. This cannot be stressed enough. In order to get the biggest benefit from your private label purchases, you must re-write the content to make it unique. The search engines love unique content and it makes absolutely no sense to purchase the right to re-write the content, making it your very own, and then not exercise that right.
There are so many people who buy private label rights and then do nothing with them. One of your objectives must be to make your content stand out from the crowd. The search engines will reward you with a higher ranking. This will translate into more visitors and more clicks on your ad links.
That brings us to another issue that you must not forget about: traffic generation. You could have the best looking site on the world wide web, but if you get zero traffic you will not make any money from it. Like it or not, traffic generation is something that you must work at to be successful in content publishing. Sure, at some point you should be able to count on getting regular traffic from the search engines, but how long will that take? In the beginning, you will need to drive any traffic that you get to your site. Traffic doesn’t just magically appear. It takes some hard work, but in the end the payoff can be significant.
Traffic generation can be accomplished in two ways, free traffic or paid traffic. Free traffic generation methods include link exchanges with similar sites, signature lines in emails or forum posts, free classified ad sites and many more. Paid traffic includes sites where a specific amount of website visitors can be purchased. Be very cautious about using paid traffic sites as these sites may send traffic that is untargeted and therefore potentially unresponsive.
It’s obvious that the kind of visitor you want is someone who is interested in the content on your site. Although this is obvious, it needs to be stressed. Random web surfers who land on your site are very unlikely to spend much time reading your content or clicking the ads. The kind of visitor you want is someone who is actively looking for the kind of content you have published. These visitors are very likely to click on relevant ads and that is one of your main objectives as a content publisher.
By Richard Harley
I have farmed most of my life, worked for a John Deere dealer as a mechanic, drove semi trucks for 30 years, worked in a factory, been working on the Internet for 18 years, I love helping others make money on the Internet. I like traveling, camping, good movies, being with good friends and family.
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