The Top 3 Problems That Cost Your Business - Part 2
The Three Solutions To Avoiding Costs and Build Your Business
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Identifying the problems of course is only half way; taking action to move forward to achieve the right outcomes is the next step. Taking the easy option doesn’t always provide you with the rewards that you imagine, usually they end up costing you more than you bargained for in at least time and money..if you’re lucky.
The solutions to these challenges can be found by following 3 steps that start by looking at what is important to you in both your business and your personal or professional life. It doesn’t matter which one you start with as in the end they will flow over to both of these areas. This way you’ll know what is important and is based on what you are passionate about.
Second, we’ll look at what are your expectations and what are the drivers and blockers stopping you and your business from being successful. Finally, we will zoom in the specific actions and tools that you can use to achieve the success and outcomes you want and deserve …it all begins with clarity…
Step #1 –Create a Clear Picture of the Challenges – The NOW!
This is the single most important step in creating the reasons as to what and why you will be successful…Unfortunately, Common Sense is not Commonly Practiced!
The four phases needed to develop clarity are:
Phase 1 – Identify the Area’s of Challenge in your life
Phase 2 – Document the Details
Phase 3 – Understanding the Impact
Phase 4 – Associated Feelings
Step #2 – Create a Road Map of WHERE, WHAT & WHY to Success
Being able to clearly see our lives in the present is an important first step. However without knowing what we want and recognizing when we have got there, nothing will change.
The following three (3) questions provide the foundation for change and achieve the success you deserve:
Question #1: Where Do You Want To Get Too?
Question #2: What Are You Expecting To Achieve?
Question #3: Why Do You Want to Achieve The Outcome?
Step #3 – Those Who Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail – The HOW!
Having a PLAN of the necessary steps to achieve your outcome and then taking ACTION to implement them is the next step. I like to call this the “SayDo Cycle” and consists of 4 phases:
Phase 1 – Plan the Steps
Phase 2 – Focus on the Step
Phase 3 – Understand the Purpose
Phase 4 – Stick to the Priorities
Cycle Continues: After completing one step go back and review your plan and make sure that it is still valid or does it need a slight change because of changing circumstances. Then continue through each of the steps keeping in mind the Focus, Purpose and Priority, then cycle back up and start again.
These 3 Steps will help you to keep focused and on top of what is critical not just urgent within your business. Having a clear direction, knowing the where the start and finishing line are and having a plan to follow and stick to it will provide the results for your business. Strategic alliances are the next step and will build upon the strong foundation that you have created for your business. You will be able to create a WIN/WIN situation for you and your strategic partner.
To Your Success & Happiness…Paul Mracek
To obtain a full copy of the article with much more detail and explanation, contact the author: Paul Mracek, CEO of Kotan Australia Pty Ltd,
M:0418 885 122/ F:03 9532 5476; email:; website:
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Mr. Paul Mracek has worked for over 25 years experience in Asia, Europe, USA and Australia establishing and building successful businesses. Author of several books on success, business, balance and how to apply the “Warrior Mindset”.
Experienced as a Coach, Mentor, Trainer and Consultant supporting both Businesses & Individuals who are looking to be at the Next Level of Performance and Success…Personally or Professionally.
Master Practitioner Kotan Method; 7th Dan Black Belt – Martial Arts;
Chartered Professional Engineer; Fellow: Australian Institute of Management
Graduate: Australian Institute of Company Directors
Master Coach & Practitioner: NLP, TLT & Hypnosis
Contact Details:
M +61(0) 418 885 122, email: