The Top 3 Problems That Cost Your Business - Part 1
How to Avoid the “Top 3 Problems” that can Cost You and/or Your Business – Part 1
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Whether you’re starting or running a business there are many challenges on a day-2-day basis that cost money and time, we will look at the “Top 3 Problems” and how to avoid them. Getting this right will build a solid foundation and provide the right footing to grow your business as get the maximum benefits from Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures. The first step is to understand what are the problems which many businesses and people struggle with.
The Top Three Reasons Why Many Businesses & People Struggle…..
Why do so many businesses and naturally gifted people struggle to get ahead or really achieve their full potential? We all know that the cost of failure is great…yet the statistics show that many businesses fail within the first 3 years after starting; and I am sure you personally know of a number of people who seem to have it all to be successful and yet are never able to breakthrough. We have all heard the old saying:
“Information is knowledge and knowledge is power; and of course power comes with success.”
The problem for most is the overwhelming amount of information that we are now exposed to; and being able to sort out what is real and useful from the constant bombardment from TV, radio, newspapers, internet, etc. 24/7! Over the next 2 issues we will look at what are the Top 3 Problems that people and businesses make and then provide some insight on the solutions you can use for yourself and your business to avoid the costs from these challenges. So what are the three core mistakes that are constantly made?
Reason #1: Feeling Overwhelmed And Don’t Know Where To Start
“There are so many things that I think I need to know, and so much information to go through; they are all seem critical. How do I know what to look at first with the conflicting demands from business and home?”
Symptom: Juggling a lot of ideas and jobs at once, and feeling overwhelmed
Cause: Pressure, confusion, fire-fighting-syndrome, no strategy / plan
Biggest Challenge: Poor structure and clarity of business or personal plan
Reason #2:Time poor, constantly running out of time to finish tasks
“I seem to be running only from one emergency to another, and not able to get anything done; forget about a plan I don’t have time for that. How am I going to balance everything that I am supposed to do, not just at work but at home as well?”
Symptom: Running around in a panic from one thing to another
Cause: Conflicting deadlines & demands, lack of clarity, i.e. important vs urgent
Biggest Challenge: Time organization skills, i.e. establishing clear actions linked to strategic plan and defining priorities
Reason #3:Fatigued, constantly running out of energy
“I just can’t seem to focus and concentrate on one thing; I am always feeling tired and don’t have enough energy to do anything when I get home. How do I get enough energy to get on top of things again and start enjoying myself, instead of being stuck in a rut?”
Symptom: Feeling constantly run down and running behind
Cause: Poor energy management and understanding of natural body cycles
Biggest Challenge: Energy Management and fitness to cope with personal and professional demands
For many people either in business or personally, they don’t know where to turn next and what to do to get on top…and here’s the crazy part. Most people keep digging the hole they are in deeper without realizing. They are stuck in a rut which quickly leads to exhaustion and becoming more and more unhappy in their personal and/or professional life’s which then reflects on the success of the business. Taking a step back to look at the cause rather than the affect is the key to moving forward.
Identifying the problems of course is only half way, taking action to move forward to achieve the right outcomes is the next step. In the next issue we will look at ”The Three Solutions To Avoiding Costs and Build Your Business” to help your achieve the success in your business that you deserve….
To Your Success & Happiness…Paul Mracek
To obtain a full copy of the article with much more detail and explanation, contact the author: Paul Mracek, CEO of Kotan Australia Pty Ltd,
Tel: 0418 885 122/ 03 9532 5476; Email:; website:
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Mr. Paul Mracek has worked for over 25 years experience in Asia, Europe, USA and Australia establishing and building successful businesses. Author of several books on success, business, balance and how to apply the “Warrior Mindset”.
Experienced as a Coach, Mentor, Trainer and Consultant supporting both Businesses & Individuals who are looking to be at the Next Level of Performance and Success…Personally or Professionally.
Master Practitioner Kotan Method; 7th Dan Black Belt – Martial Arts;
Chartered Professional Engineer; Fellow: Australian Institute of Management
Graduate: Australian Institute of Company Directors
Master Coach & Practitioner: NLP, TLT & Hypnosis
Contact Details:
M +61(0) 418 885 122, email: