<a title=”Learn More About Small Business Lending at Zoot!” Href=http://www.zootweb.com/additional_information/small_business_lending.html>small business lending</a> doesn’t have to be a hassle. In our electronic day and age, the Internet has made small business origination loans almost instantaneous. There are several professional and high quality <a title=”Learn More About Software as a Service at Zoot!” Href=http://www.zootweb.com/additional_information/software_as_a_service.html>software as a service</a> services available now that use the Internet to quickly find affordable financial assistance to beginning small business owners.

Why Small Businesses Fail
A novel could be written about the reasons why small businesses fail. One of the major reasons is from miscommunication between owners, or owner and investor. Take a new restaurant for example: A passionate chef and a wary investor will most likely butt heads when it comes to what makes the most financial sense to each one. And there is guaranteed to be some disagreement along with what each believes to be money well spent verses too much.

According to business researchers, the general rule of thumb for beginning small businesses needing a loan is “to have a sum of money at least equal to the projected revenue for the first year of business in addition to anticipated expenses.” For example, if the restaurant owner believes he or she will make $200,000 in revenue for the first year, with $250,000 in building and starting up expenses, than they should have no less than 350,000 available. Otherwise, the restaurant owner could be faced with huge amounts of debt or bankruptcy.

Poor Planning
Without an accountant, advisor or proper funding, small businesses can aim high but end up falling short and blow their opportunity to do it right and become successful. The first step they can take is to get the assistance from a small business origination service that help small business owners reach their financial goals and give them the assistance they need to be successful in all areas of their business.

For small businesses looking for the perfect credit services, there are plenty of professional organizations who specialize in giving small businesses quality, affordable loans.

About the author: Jason Ausmus is a web content producer for Innuity. For more information regardingsmall business lending or software as a service, go to Zoot www.zootweb.com.

Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/small-business-articles/how-small-businesses-have-failed-how-you-can-prevent-it-1393069.html

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