If you are in business for yourself, you know that you must cut costs without cutting corners. You need to make the best use of your time as is possible. In order to be a real contender in your chosen niche, it is very important that you are able to do what do what your competition does, only better. To that end, we have created the following guide to help introduce you to five pieces of office equipment that you may not have considered. These simple and inexpensive tools can can help your business get to where you want it to be, by saving you time and money.
- Color Coil Binding Machine: One of the easiest and least expensive ways to boost your company’s image is by being able to bind your own presentations, proposals, and reports, on demand and on site. Color coil binding, with its many color and cover options, is a great way to control how you and your business is presented to the world. Do it yourself machines are relatively cheap and easy to use. You can save money and gain flexibility by binding your own proposals instead of outsourcing to a print shop or bindery.
- Paper Shredder: Every business deals with confidential information, and there is no better way to destroy these sensitive documents that shredding them yourself. It is a fact that there are now federal regulations in effect requiring businesses of every size to destroy certain kinds of information, such as anything that could be used for identity theft or consumer fraud. For most small businesses, one of the most important investments you can make is in a paper shredder. Don’t put your business at risk. Don’t throw those papers away. Use a paper shredder.
- Three Hole Punch and Electric Stapler: This is a handy tool that reduces both monotony and workplace repetitive motion injuries. If you produce documents of any number or size, it goes without saying that there are better ways to spend your time than punching holes in hundreds of pages or stapling them by hand. These tools make the job exponentially easier and quicker, giving you more time to attend to more important tasks.
- Paper Cutter or Trimmer: There are hundreds of paper cutters and trimmers on the market and they are very handy tools indeed, enabling you to cut or trim either large or small stacks of paper, depending on your needs. If you publish your own documents, you will likely find that you need to make books of various sizes. Paper cutters and trimmers are a great, safe, time-saving solution that can be used by anyone.
- Paper Folding Machine: As your business grows, you will find the need to correspond on a regular basis with more customers and vendors than you ever imagined possible. After taking the time to write, edit and produce, say a sales letter or special offer, folding the letter into threes so it can be fit into an envelope is certainly not how you want yourself or your employees to be spending valuable work time. A small inexpensive folding machine can cut your labor costs and allow you to spend your valuable time focusing on your business instead of folding sheets of paper.
If you are looking to purchase one of these tools for your small business, you should really visit MyBinding.com. They offer great prices and free shipping on all of these products. In fact, they offer one of the largest selections of Binding Equipment and Paper Shredders on the internet. They also carry a great selection of paper cutters, trimmers, three hole punches and paper folding machines. Check it out for yourself.
Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/small-business-articles/five-inexpensive-tools-to-maximize-your-small-business-1239910.html