Step one in growing and launching a business is what I call Grow Up. Get your mindset for entrepreneurship. What this means is that maturity does not solely come from experience, age, wisdom or longevity. It comes from decisiveness. When you decide to stop living small and embrace your possibility, that’s when you reach full maturity.
Remember, coaching is a business. It’s a passion and for most of us it’s a calling, but at the end of the day you’re becoming an entrepreneur and it is a business. You may need to change your thinking to be more business-oriented, as many coaches do.
When I got my mindset for entrepreneurship, when I decided I knew that I could design my own destiny and that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, everything aligned. The teachers I needed showed up, the money flowed, and I became a center of influence.
You’ve got to get to a level of maturity and get your mind set for entrepreneurship first. Then follow your passion and what you love and know will become your niche.
Actually I don’t like the word niche. I think it actually holds a lot of coaches back and a lot of people get stuck on “What is my niche?” and a little obsessed about it. It is very important and you have to have a target market, but I’ve re-languaged that to be ‘who needs you most?’ Follow what you love and what you know will become who needs you most.
Think about what you cannot get enough of. What or who just fires you up and you could talk about it for days? It’s the kind of thing that people have to shut you up because you’re so impassioned you want to share it. That’s your target market. That’s your hive. Those are the people who need you most.
You might be like me. I was literally niche-phobic for almost a year. I could not decide what my niche was; I wanted it all. My business was growing nicely but I could feel that there was a weight that was keeping me from really exploding.
I now know that if I had gotten that target market – who needs you most – earlier, and if I had committed to that, I probably would have built my business in double time.
Most coaches have the problem that we want to help everyone, and that often ends up helping no one. We see the needs all around us, but it doesn’t mean we can help them all.
I knew very early on I was meant to work with other entrepreneurs, but I kept saying, “You know what? I just started building my business myself. I couldn’t possibly do that. Look at me. I’ve just started.” Even though my instincts and my gut were telling me that’s what I’m supposed to do, I ignored it for quite a while.
It was in my bones. Had I just embraced that I would have done things with less stress and even faster than I did them.
Getting your mindset right and understanding who needs you most are two factors that will be instrumental in bringing success to your coaching business.
I’d like to invite you to learn how to help more people, make more money and enjoy more freedom with the free 5-day mini course, “Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur,” at
Suzanne Evans is best known as the ‘action expert’ and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business.