![]() Paul Mracek Master Practitioner Kotan Method 7th Degree Black Belt – Martial Arts KOTAN AUSTRALIA – CEO www.new.kotanaustralia.com Contact: info@new.kotanaustralia.com | How Can My Life Experiences Benefit You? I know that’s what you’re asking, because that’s exactly what I would want to know. So lets get the normal background stuff out of the road first so that we can talk about what’s important to you. You get someone with over 25 years experience in Asia, Europe, and USA and Australia establishing and building successful businesses. I started at the bottom sweeping floors from the age of 9, worked on machines in factories all the way through to running multi million dollar companies as the CEO/MD. An author of several books on success, business, balance and how to apply the “Success Mindset” to any part of your life. Experience as a Coach, Mentor, Trainer and Consultant supporting both “Business and Individuals” who are looking to be at the “Next Level of Performance” and “Success… Personally or Professionally”Qualifications: Master Coach & Practitioner – NLP, TLT, Hypnosis Chartered Professional Engineer Fellow of Australian Institute of Management Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors |
Now for those who want to know a bit more…here it is…that’s you, isn’t it?…
Why Do I Help People? Seeing and feeling the transformational change in others who start as people in need and then find their purpose, rekindle their passion and understand the reward from persistence, is to me the real meaning of helping, coaching, mentoring..what ever word you would like to use, for me in the end there is nothing better.What’s On offer For you? As the old saying goes “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve alwasy had!”…if you’re happy with that, then don’t read any further, this is not for you!Well if your still with me than you are looking to make some changes in your life, either at work or at home, aren’t you? Are you looking to get more time to do what is important for you or your family?…remember all work and no play makes Jack or Jill a dull person!You know those people around you, not you of course that always say they are “Thinking and Trying” to get things done, and never do; they are living in “Hope” that what ever they do will work out in the end. “Knowing” not hoping you outcome is what will determine the end results for you.By working together you will create new beliefs and new behaviours; and behaviours drives results. Imagine what it would do for you, your family and how it’s going to feel to achieve what you always wanted?On top of all that you get someone who has the compassion and understanding of a person who works with and in the community to provide to those who are in need, so that they can enjoy life and achieve a sense of worth. What Will You Get?You will get a set of tools, skills and knowledge that will allow you to take advantage of opportunities and understand how to get more time to balance work and home. The understanding of how to organize not manage your Time; The Clarity to see what is really needed, the Focus to distinguish between important not just urgent; and the Ability to “Just Do” not try.And if that’s not enough, you will be walking around with a huge smile on your face, knowing that you “Can” and “Do” achieve what every you want!I know that this is going to sound like an old cliche, however seeing the way people change, the belief they get in themselves, the knowing that their success is a given… this drives my passion and in both Your Success and mine.If you go away from here with only one thing, then remember this and it will help you in no matter what you do:Success – Purpose + Passion + PersistenceKeep in mind that “Think” and “Know” are two words… you have a decision to make, don’t you?Keep safe and well….Paul Mracek